
Femdom Matriarchy (FemdomMatriarchy) porn pics

True Queen I have turned myself in, and I will provide information of a well armed terrorist pig cell that supports the false queen. I beg you for mercy!

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The Mother Goddess has spoken to me. All who devote themselves to the religion of Feminance will be saved

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With you know who gone, and what's her name missing, it's a perfect time for me to wear the you know what

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Today I found out my book is no longer the top selling book in the Matriarchy. I made sure to let the store owner know how unhappy I was.

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"Free" men who were unable to meet their latest tax payments will be immediately arrested and auctioned into slavery to offset residual VenusFest costs.

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Turning the tables on my abductor

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I deserve to be punished everyday for being a pig.

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The moment a pig knows that he has been broken

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I have learned my lesson about speaking out against any Goddess here

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Pleasing our mistresses is a pig's highest honor!

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What a shoecleaner hopes he will be allowed to do

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Women buy their puppy pet men the best men animal food out there

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I love it when my new owner grabs the leash, means I'm going for a walk outside by the flowers in the park

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We found a tresspassing pig, took his pot of gold, and made him our bitch

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Attending to the needs of refugee Goddesses from Salize feels truly rewarding

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Ouch! No mom, I am not taking LUST, I swear!

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Here we see the weekly pain session for one of the imprisoned pigs in the federal penitentiary. Prior to each session, the pig must repent for his wrongdoings and beg to be taught a painful, brutal lesson.

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My queen sent me to this training camp in the forest

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Important Address from the Queen: The Traitor Has Been Arrested and the Crisis Is Over

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The guards make me beg for food and water. I'm lucky if I get one meal a day.

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Citizens of York plan to protest the S.L.A.V.E. Conference and the inhumane treatment of owned men and women during the event.

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Breaking News: A major operation by the military and the Cadets is under way in Freya

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The Femdom Times: Sigh of Relief

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It is time for reconciliation

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Due to unforseen safety conditions, production has stopped on my new tv series "Abandoned in Amazonia" I will be filing a lawsuit against the Matriarchy government for failing to provide adequate protection.

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Busy Goddesses must be able to multitask

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I'm back!

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New Leash Law in Effect in Venus

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For my first task, my Goddess wanted me to lick this room clean. I did the floor and the furniture, but was stupid enough to forget the walls...

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I'm so lucky to have a Queen who will put me in my place!

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Take your pets on walks even if it's raining, they love the smell of the rain and the feel of their leash

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"Betrayed by MissBackstabber" is the highly anticipated sequel I wish I didn't have to write...

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I have decided to reward a loyal pig, he will cherish this moment for the rest of his pathetic life

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Come to Riverbed for for our annual Black Friday Goddess Minor Sale, runs through the weekend

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Happy Halloween! Enjoy the Matriarchy costume party all day and all night long.

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My First Address to the Citizens of Venus

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